Provide the Best Services
in Industry
Provide the Best Consulting in This Industry
At Moonlight Agency Sdn. Bhd., we are proud to provide comprehensive human resource solutions across a wide range of industries. Our expertise and tailored services ensure that we meet the unique needs of each sector we serve. Here are the key industries we specialize in, along with the benefits you can expect from our services.

Construction Service
The construction industry demands a skilled and reliable workforce to ensure projects are completed safely and efficiently

Cleaning Service
A clean environment is crucial for both homes and businesses. Our cleaning service provides trained and trustworthy cleaning staff .

Maids Service
Our maid services cater to households and businesses that require reliable and professional domestic help.

Plantation Service
In the plantation sector, having a dedicated and hardworking team is essential for maintaining productivity and quality

Factory Worker
We provide a reliable workforce for various factory roles, including machine operators, assembly line workers, and quality control inspectors.

Warehouse storekeeper
. We supply experienced warehouse storekeepers who are proficient in inventory control, stock management, and logistics coordination.